Interim Results ended 30 September 2024

2024 Annual Results

Half-year Report

An AIM-listed agricultural group focussed on investment and sustainable development in Southern Africa.

The group is providing high quality food produce for local markets whilst simultaneously improving the livelihoods of over 250,000 small holder farmers by improving their access to markets.

Agriterra's longer term strategy is to become one of the largest agri-operators and leading food providers in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Company has built strong brands in Mozambique and established distribution networks that allow the smaller retailers direct access to our products . The Board intends to use these foundations to grow and diversify its product range in order to gain further market share of the agricultural sector in Mozambique and explore export and investment opportunities in surrounding countries.


The grain division operates maize purchasing and processing businesses through DECA – Desenvolvimento e Comercialização Agrícola Limitada (‘DECA’) and Compagri Limitada (‘Compagri’)


The beef division sources cattle from local farmers and then processes them through its own feedlot, abattoir and retail units through Mozbife Limitada (‘Mozbife’)


The Snax division transforms maize by-products into different flavoured fried and baked snacks.